Help Sponsor an Elementary Student in Ukraine.
In a normal school year children are learning and socializing with their peers and teachers. Due to the war in Ukraine, Bright Life (Svitle Zhitya) Pre & Elementary School had to close its preschool doors and transfer its classes to on-line learning. The majority of its teachers were living as refugees outside of Ukraine and also as internally displaced persons (IDP) in Ukraine. But with the start of the new school year in September, most teachers returned and are trying to hold classes amongst drone strikes.
More Families Fleeing from the East
Bright Life has decided to receive the children whose families fled from the Donbas region.
Parents can no longer afford to pay school fees because of the war disrupting household incomes. While they would like to continue their child’s education, they simply cannot afford it without a steady salary.
Help provide education through your compassionate donation. Thank you for making a difference in these children’s lives.
Thank you from the staff @ Svitle Zhitya

Naming parts of the plant.

Can you find… geography 3rd class

Mrs. Sablone’s English Class